Are You Blinking Enough?
Although blinking often goes unnoticed, it is of vital importance to eye health.
Although blinking often goes unnoticed, it is of vital importance to eye health.
You just bought a new pair of glasses. The last thing you want to see are dirty or scratched up lenses!
You know it’s been a long day when your eye starts twitching. These annoying little tics are often signs from our body telling us to have healthier habits!
Getting glasses when you are young can be a difficult adjustment for any child. Helping children adjust properly and love their glasses may be difficult, but it can make all the difference!
Digital eye strain in the workplace is increasingly more common. Being educated about eye strain is the first step in preventing it!
When it comes to buying something as important as glasses or contact lenses, make sure you get them from the right source.
Are you suffering from headaches? You may want to ask yourself when your last eye exam was!
Every time we open our eyes we are reminded of the remarkable gift of sight! Whether you’re watching the sunset or seeing your child take their first steps, your eyes allow you to see some pretty amazing things.
The eye is an extremely amazing and unique organ. In fact, it is the only place in the body where a doctor can see part of the central nervous system—the optic nerve!
Contact lenses are safe, comfortable, and can change your lifestyle! However, taking proper care of them is crucial to your vision health.